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DIY Fringed Sleeve Kimono Using a Scarf- Easy

In this tutorial I will be showing you how to make a fringed kimono using a scarf. I used two small scarves, but I will also be explaining how to the kimono using just one large scarf. Enjoy :) 

Things you will need:
-one large scarf or two small scarves (I used two small scarves which measured 160 x 50cm)
-fringe (I had 2m)
-a needle and thread or a sewing machine (this can also be done using fabric glue if you don't like sewing) 

Step 1:
Lay your two scarves next to each other aligning the pattern if you wish. As you can see, I made mine symmetrical. If you have one large scarf, skip to step 3.

Step 2:
Find the centre point of the two scarves joint together and place something there to mark where it is- I used scissors to do this. You are now going to sew from the centre point, downwards- don't sew the whole length of the scarves.

When you sew the scarves together, don't sew right on the edge. Push the edges together so that you form a seam (like the first picture) and sew 1cm away from the edge (where the needle is placed in the second picture). 

Step 3: 
You should now have something like this- the bottom half stitched together and the top half open. Now, fold the top half downwards so that the top two edges are in line with the bottom edge (shown in the picture below). 

If you are using a large scarf, you will fold the scarf in half the same way as this, however, you will not have the opening. To make the opening, cut from the bottom of the scarf upwards until you reach the fold- do this on the top layer ONLY or you will completely cut your scarf in half. Once you have done this you will have to hem both edges or the scarf will fray- do this by folding the edges in twice and stitching it in place. You can now continue the rest of the tutorial like normal. 

Step 4:
On the left side of the scarf, mark where the halfway point is- I used scissors for this again. 

Sew from the centre point downwards like you did in step 2. The top half is going to be the sleeve of the kimono. Repeat on the other side.

You now have a kimono. If you like it as it is, you don't have to carry on. If you want to add fringe to the sleeves, continue to the next step.  Also, if you don't like the length of your kimono, make it shorter simply by folding it back to how it was when you made the sleeves, cutting the bottom edge to your desired length and hemming the raw edge by folding in twice and stitching in place. 

Step 5: 
Lay your fringe onto one of the sleeves of your kimono and sew it on until you reach the end of where you stitched the sleeve- don't cut the fringe off, just stop sewing. Be careful not to sew all the way through both sides of the sleeve, just sew the top layer. 

When you get to the end of the sleeve, carry on sewing the fringe around it until you reach the start of the fringe again. 

When you reach where you started stitching on the fringe, overlap it by about an inch and stitch in place. You can now cut the fringe. Repeat on the other side of the kimono.
When you cut the fringe, it might start to unravel- I stopped this by tying a knot at the end. 

That's it, you're finished!

Use any leftover fringe to make a necklace!

Thank you for viewing this blog post- please leave a comment if there is anything specific you would like me to make a tutorial for.
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  1. Wow what a Great Information about World Day its very nice informative post. thanks for the post. Luer

  2. this is really cute, thank you for sharing!
